Sunday 28 February 2016

Creative Commons Licence for My ePortfolio

This is the license that I have chosen for my e-Portfolio:

 What does your license allow others to do with you CLIL e-materials?
I decided to chose this license because allow sharing your materials, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, also you can adpat the materials, remix and transform them. Furthermore you may not use the material for commercial purpose and if you build open the material; you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. Besides there are no additional restrictions, you might not apply legal terms or technological measures.

What are good ways to motivate our students to use Creative Commons material and attribute properly?

the students need to have aware about the importance of protect their projects to using Creative Commons and when they create things and they use material from other people, they have to know that they cannot use that they want, with this motivation activities, students should learn the importance when they select information or they copy other authors.

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